
October is a difficult month for me, signifying the loss of my father and the conflicting emotions that I harbor in our relationship.  He was a complicated figure in my life.  Through his death, I have struggled to find forgiveness and love.  It’s been almost 15 years, and I finally feel like I understand aspects of him that seemed incomprehensible to me before.  It has been healing to the trauma in my life to work through these emotions, but it also leaves me feeling emotionally exhausted and vulnerable.  While contemplating these feelings, I feel drawn to Temperance and the energy of surrender. 

Temperance is a card of balance and understanding, not through our minds, but in our heart.  Every visual in this card has a counterpart, and the angel in the middle is the balance between them.  One foot is on a rock, while the other is in the water, meaning we are seated between the material and spiritual world.  The path in the background through the mountain is paired with the lush vegetation with no way to see the other side or get through.  Because this card usually comes up when we are facing inner turmoil, this imagery suggests not to forge a path through the foliage or take the path, but to stop and reflect.  Water is the sign of emotion, and the cups are showing the balance we find when we take the time to contemplate our current state.  Angels are the messengers of God, so we may be waiting to hear the message, but this Angel is demonstrating quiet contemplation and balance.    

If Temperance is calling to you, be patient. Temperance reminds us that there is a radiant light ahead after our struggle.  Our emotional and physical state is in constant flux, but sometimes standing still and being present with the pain we are experiencing is the best way to move through it.